Starting With eBay

If you are a beginner to eBay, before you start selling things you probably want to buy a couple of items first so you can get an understanding of how everything works.
Just sign into your eBay account and click on the "Buy" link to get started. Once you are familiar you can get started by selling a few unwanted items from your home.
To take it to the next level and turn it into a business you may want to try Drop shipping. A Drop shipping company can take care of providing products and shipping them for you.

Making money with Ebay is entirely possible, but one has to be realistic. As with any other business, to be successful requires real work. "Getting Rich Quick" is a fantasy. You can, however, get rich slowly, and have a lot of fun along the way.  There are many sellers who join Ebay, and think that all they have to do is post a few items for sale and boom...they make money. It just doesn't work that way for most.
First, you have to have a product or products to sell. This means you need a source. Some people buy products wholesale and re-sell at a profit. Some people sell things from around their house that they no longer want. Some people go to yard sales, auctions, and estate sales and find things to re-sell. Some people watch for 75% off sales at their local retail stores and buy things to re-sell. Some people sell things that they make. (I make lighthouses and costumes.) I also do all of the other things listed above. Knowing what will sell or be "in demand" requires research. I call all of this "footwork."  There is lots of footwork involved here.
Then, things have to be cleaned up and made ready for sale. This is especially true in the clothing department. People will buy gently used clothing, but it needs to be nice and clean and free of stains and odors. Name-brand and unique clothing items are the easiest to sell.  I use a lot of laundry products, and spend a lot of time doing laundry. I call this processing. Processing is time-consuming, but well worth the effort.